Pauline K Long, PharmD

Pauline K Long, PharmD is a native of Bessemer, Alabama and received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Montevallo. During her undergraduate years, Dr. Long had the distinct honor of being in the inaugural cohort of Biology/Chemistry student researchers, serving as a Montevallo Master, and President of both the African American Society and the Nu Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. After graduating Dr. Long had a brief career as an Operations Supervisor in the telecommunications industry.

In 2001, Dr. Long answered the call into healthcare and in 2005 earned her Doctor of Pharmacy with honors from Samford University’s McWhorter School of Pharmacy. She was inducted into Rho Chi Honor Society, Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society, and received the Dean’s Award which recognized top students in the graduating class. After graduation, Dr. Long was promoted to Pharmacy Manager of a large retail chain where she has served the communities of north and central Alabama for over 14 years.

Dr. Long is a licensed Consultant Pharmacist, serves as Affiliate Clinical Instructor of Pharmacy Practice for Samford University and is a member of the Alabama Pharmacy Association and the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. Dr. Long serves on the Board of Directors for the Minority Women Pharmacist Association and is also a contributing author to Transitions of Care: Clinical Pearls for the Senior Care Pharmacist (proposed title) – a publication of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. She is also very excited to serve in a new role as a medical contributor to iPUSH Magazine.

Dr. Long’s professional interests include pharmacogenomic and nutrigenomic testing to optimize patients’ health and promote overall wellness. She received training in communitybased Pharmacogenomics from the National Association of Chain Drug Stores and uses this training to assist patients and providers personalize healthcare treatment. Dr. Long is also a certified Lifestyle Coach in diabetes prevention via training from the Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center and a diabetes self management educator via training from the American Association of Diabetes Educators. She teaches Diabetes Self Management Education and Support classes to newly diagnosed diabetic patients as well as long-time diabetic patients who are not reaching their healthcare goals.

In 2018, Dr. Long again answered the call to elevate her role in the pharmacy profession and provide another avenue to serve patients. She co-founded MedsPLUS Consulting, LLC – a healthcare consulting firm that provides personalized, comprehensive health and wellness services to patients, caregivers, and providers. Our mission is to bridge the gap in healthcare by empowering patients through education and health management. MedsPLUS Consulting has fulfilled it’s mantra to “engage, educate, and empower” by accepting invitations to speak at events such as the United Way’s 3rd Annual Caregivers Conference, No More Martyr’s Minority Mental Health Awareness Summit, and our signature community engagement event A Rx to Shave Hypertension – an outreach program designed to screen black men for high blood pressure. MedsPLUS will also soon begin an online healthcare program, MedsPLUS Medical Minute which will provide relevant, timely healthcare information to assist patients in living well!

Dr. Long is committed to ensuring accessible, quality patient care and elevating the profession of pharmacy from primarily medication distribution to practicing within the full scope of essential, clinically-oriented patient care services. Dr. Long resides in Helena, Alabama with her husband Anthony and two children Peyton (11) and Seth (1). She is a member of The Worship Center Christian Church and the Jefferson County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.